Innotrans 2018
InnoTrans is the most important international show for railway technology, taking place every 2 years in Berlin and taking up all the 41 halls available in the Berlin exhibition center. This year for the first time, Rimac team will take part to this incredible event to promote our experience in this sector and to share the best practices and solutions for railway traction motor manufacturing and repair.
We wait for you to visit us at Stand 101/ Hall 18!

- Dal 18/09/2018 al 21/09/2018
- Messe Berlin GmbH
ExpoCenter city
Messedamm 22
D-14055 Berlin

Via Doberdò 39 – 21046 Malnate (VA) – Italy | Ph: +39 0332 429963 | Fax: +39 0332 424639 | Email:
© 2023 Rimac Machines – Rimac S.r.l. – VAT nr. IT02569340132